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Decimal values in chart tooltip

Decimal values in chart tooltip : This video contains how to add Decimal values in chart tooltip.

This is an add-on feature on the existing functionality of the series tooltip of charts.

Use Case: Need to Add Decimal places in series tooltip of chart widget.

  1. Before this setting is applied, the chart widget tooltip has no decimal places in it as shown in below image:

    Docusaurus Slash Introduction

  2. The Value displayed in tooltip has decimal places and we are getting rounded values.

  3. To Display Decimal places, go to dashboard edit mode

  4. Edit Chart

  5. Go to formatting

  6. Open Chart tooltip option and you can see default expression is as below,

    Docusaurus Slash Introduction

  7. To add 2 decimal places in tooltip, write down ::2 at the right side of expression as shown in below image,

    Docusaurus Slash Introduction

  8. Go to preview mode and hover on slices of pie chart and you can see 2 decimal places in tooltip.

    Docusaurus Slash Introduction

  9. You can add N number of decimal places as per your requirement by modifying the tool tip expression.